Right To Life UK helps provide access to legal support for individuals or families who are facing difficulties in relation to one of the life issues areas we work across – abortion, assisted suicide, euthanasia and embryo research.
Examples of situations where we may be able to provide support include:
- Women who have had a termination of pregnancy and felt that part of the process risked their health or life, or they were treated unfairly.
- Women who feel they do not have adequate support and are being pressured into having an abortion against their will
- When medical professionals are seeking to force an individual with learning difficulties to have an abortion.
- Families who are expecting a child with a disability and have not been provided with adequate treatment for their child either pre-birth or once the child is born.
- Situations where a medical professional has not been able to exercise their right to freedom of conscience when it comes to being involved in abortion provision.
- Families who feel the treatment at the end of their lives of a sick relative was inadequate or they felt that their death was engineered.
Often this will involve providing guidance on how to negotiate with a hospital or third party so that the situation can be resolved promptly without legal action. Legal action should only be taken as a last resort and we will generally encourage individuals or families to reach private resolution with a hospital or third party. When these avenues have been exhausted and a resolution cannot be reached, we can then look into legal action.
If you are facing a situation touching on life issues and need legal support, please fill in the form below or email [email protected].
When making contact with us, please provide a detailed outline of the situation, letting us know if you have sought to resolve the situation through private negotiation and why you are seeking legal support. This written outline is required before we can begin looking at your situation, with the exception of an emergency situation where an individual’s life is at risk and immediate legal action is required. In this situation, please do provide any background information you can within the time constraints given.