We are making contact on a sombre note to let you know that today marks the 56th anniversary of the Abortion Act receiving royal assent.
Since then, a staggering 10,256,050 unborn babies have lost their lives to abortion across England, Wales, and Scotland.
Every one of these abortions represents a collective failure of our society to protect the lives of babies in the womb and a failure to offer full support to women with unplanned pregnancies.
If you click the button below, you will be taken to a special 56th anniversary webpage that has more information about this tragic day and the negative impact abortion has had on the country.
It also includes informative videos and highlights polling, which shows that the general population wants increased protections for unborn babies and more support for mothers facing unplanned pregnancies, rather than the wholesale removal of legal safeguards around abortion.
To mark this anniversary, we are encouraging people around the country to post an anniversary commemoration graphic to their social media profiles. This is a small way that people can commemorate the lives lost, along with helping more people around the country know of this sad day.
With each campaign graphic, we have also included a link to the special webpage that has more information about this tragic day. This will help people who see the graphic to find out more about the abortion issue and the facts surrounding the debate on life issues.
To view this article and have the opportunity to share one of the campaign graphics on social media, please click the button below.