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Disability Bill vote tomorrow

Tomorrow, the Severe Fetal Impairment Abortion (Amendment) Bill will have its Consideration Stage at the Northern Ireland Assembly. This important piece of legislation would stop abortion up to birth for babies with disabilities such as Down’s syndrome, cleft lip, and club foot.

A group of pro-abortion MLAs have tabled what are known as ‘wrecking’ amendments to the Bill which, if they pass tomorrow, will effectively result in the Bill failing.

The vote on these amendments tomorrow could be very close.

If you live in Northern Ireland, please click the button below to email your MLAs asking them to vote against these amendments.

If you live outside Northern Ireland, you can still help out. Please click the button below to show your support for the Bill by joining the 30,000 people who have signed our petition to the leaders of the political parties in the Northern Ireland Assembly asking them to support the Bill.

Once you have completed this important campaign action, please ask friends and family to do the same.

Thank you for your help on this.

Ask your local representatives to take the Both Lives Pledge