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Government review shows abortion complication rates likely much higher than being reported by abortion providers
November 24, 2023

Government review shows abortion complication rates likely much higher than being reported by abortion providers

Pro-abortion MP signals intention to hijack bill to introduce abortion up to birth
November 14, 2023

Pro-abortion MP signals intention to hijack Gov. bill to introduce abortion up to birth

Threefold increase in number of babies born at 22 weeks who survive
November 10, 2023

Threefold increase in number of babies born at 22 weeks who survive

Lords abortion private members bills
November 9, 2023

Three important pro-life bills to be introduced to the House of Lords

Twenty years on, Britney Spears remembers the "pain" and "fear" of her "excruciating" home abortion
November 1, 2023

Twenty years on, Britney Spears remembers the "pain" and "fear" of her "excruciating" home abortion

Justin Timberlake became outspoken advocate for “right to choose” after pressuring Britney Spears into abortion
October 30, 2023

Justin Timberlake became outspoken advocate for “right to choose” after pressuring Britney Spears into abortion

Baby - 56th anniversary of the Abortion Act
October 27, 2023

56 years of abortion: 10,256,050 lives lost since 1967

Hailey Bieber promotes US abortion provider in contrast to her pro-life husband
October 26, 2023

Hailey Bieber promotes US abortion provider in contrast to her pro-life husband

“Biased” Jersey consultation seeks views on introducing abortion for any reason up to birth
October 20, 2023

“Biased” Jersey consultation seeks views on introducing abortion for any reason up to birth

“One of the most agonising things I have ever experienced" - Spears pushed into having abortion by Timberlake
October 18, 2023

“One of the most agonising things I have ever experienced" - Spears pushed into having…

Bournemouth local abortion buffer zone faces legal challenge
October 17, 2023

Bournemouth local abortion buffer zone faces legal challenge

NZ Labour abortion
October 14, 2023

New Zealand Labour Government that introduced extreme abortion law loses election

Press release - Greens to introduce world’s most extreme buffer zone law to Scotland
October 6, 2023

Press release - Greens to introduce world’s most extreme abortion buffer zone law to Scotland

Ireland buffer zones
September 28, 2023

Irish TDs whipped to support "draconian" buffer zone Bill that criminalises offers of help outside…

British artist “wracked with guilt” after abortion of twins
September 21, 2023

British artist “wracked with guilt” after abortion of twins

Over 2,600 women in Ireland had their babies instead of abortion after three-day waiting period
September 19, 2023

Over 2,600 women in Ireland had their babies instead of abortion after three-day waiting period