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“Completely went off” – Abortion clinic owner boasts about performing large number of abortions

Dr Simon Snook, an owner of abortion clinics in New Zealand, has boasted about ending the lives of more babies through his new ‘0800 dial an abortion’ service than expected, saying that in the first two weeks of its launch the new service “completely went off”. 

Following the introduction of one of the most extreme abortion laws in the world, permitting the abortion of babies de-facto on demand up to birth, the Labour Government, led by Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, partnered with Dr Simon Snook and Family Planning New Zealand to launch a nationwide ‘DIY’ abortion scheme called ‘Decide’.

The ‘Decide’ scheme allows women and girls to call a freephone ‘0800’ number and have abortion drugs delivered to them or their nearest pharmacy so that they can carry out a ‘DIY’ medical abortion without in-person medical supervision.

Abortion clinic owner previously worked for scandal-ridden abortion provider in the UK

Dr Simon Snook previously ran a now-defunct similar smaller local freephone abortion service called ‘0800-ABORTION’. Dr Snook also owns two of the three private abortion clinics that operate in New Zealand. 

Dr Snook is the director of Istar, a company that imports abortion pills to New Zealand and funds a website advertising abortion in New Zealand. The site ranks highly on Google search for vulnerable women facing a crisis pregnancy.

Dr Snook previously worked for Marie Stopes International (now MSI Reproductive Choices) in the UK, which has been linked to a series of scandals. This includes a damning report from the UK’s Care Quality Commission (CQC) that accused Marie Stopes International of paying staff bonuses for persuading women to have abortions. At all 70 Marie Stopes clinics, inspectors from the Care Quality Commission found evidence of a policy that saw staff utilise a high-pressure sales tactic, phoning women who had decided against having an abortion to offer them another appointment.

At one clinic in Maidstone, staff told CQC inspectors that the clinic was like a “cattle market” with a “very target-driven culture”.

State-sponsored backstreet abortions

Responding to the launch of the new abortion service, New Zealand pro-life group, Voice For Life, said: “How is this anything other than state-sponsored back street abortion?” 

The group also drew attention to the lack of safeguards and the potential for coercion and abuse asking “Will perpetrators of abortion coercion now have a convenient mechanism which will allow them to literally stand over their pregnant female victims as they force them to order up the DIY abortion drugs over the phone?”

“What happens when a vulnerable minor rings DECIDE asking for abortion drugs to carry out a secret abortion with no one else around?”

“What about victims of sexual abuse who are coerced into using this service by those who have abused them, and who are seeking to hide the evidence of their repugnant acts of victimisation?” the group added.

Right To Life UK spokesperson Catherine Robinson said: “Boasting about ending the lives of more babies through your abortion business is truly horrific”.

“‘DIY’ abortions do not require an in-person consultation before the abortion takes place. They could literally happen in a backstreet and there is nothing to prevent this”. 
“By removing a routine in-person consultation that allows medical practitioners to certify gestation and recognise potential coercion or abuse, ‘at-home’ abortion has presented serious risks to women and girls in abusive situations. It has allowed severe complications to occur, as well as abortions far later than the gestational limit for these schemes, as abortion providers currently cannot ensure the pills are taken by the intended individual within the appropriate time frame.”


Help stop three major anti-life threats.

Help stop major anti-life threats.

Dear reader,

In 2021 abortion campaigners brought forward an amendment to the UK Government’s flagship Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill that would have introduced abortion on demand, for any reason, up to birth (including sex-selective abortion).

Thanks to the support from people like you, this amendment did not go to a vote and pass, but we expect the abortion lobby to make another attempt to introduce this extreme abortion law change shortly.

This would be the single biggest change to abortion legislation since 1967 and would leave England and Wales with one of the most extreme abortion laws in the world.

Please sign the petition to the Prime Minister, asking him to ensure that his Government does everything in its power to stop the introduction of abortion up to birth.


Help stop three major anti-life threats.

Help stop a major threat from the abortion lobby to introduce abortion up to birth.


Help stop three major anti-life threats.

Ask your local representatives to take the Both Lives Pledge